5 Factors That Would Help the Organic Market Grow in India

In a nation where the average consumer is constantly in search of healthy alternatives for their meals, the organic market is slowly but steadily, starting to make its mark.

India at present holds the ninth position among 178 nations that effectively practice organic agriculture. At present, we house over of 8,35,000 organic producers, 699 processors, 669 exporters and a 1.49-million-hectare zone under natural cultivation. But with just 0.4per cent of rural land assigned for natural development, there’s room for a lot more.

That said, following are five key factors that’ll ensure the growth of organic cultivation and markets in India in the years to come:

1. The consumer is more health conscious than ever:

Lately, the average Indian consumer has started making wellbeing the top priority when it comes to purchasing groceries. That, coupled with the growing digital literacy rate has increased the demand for organic food in the country. People are also becoming aware of the harmful effects of chemicals and fertilizers used during farming in India.

2. High disposable income of the working population:

As per India Brand Equity Foundation, the spending capacity of the Indian middle class is expected to get double by 2025. With the rise in disposable income and easier access to credit, the average Indian consumer will not shy away from purchasing quality organic foods that have a slightly premium price.

3. Rise in exports for Indian organic products:

Govt. of India established APEDA says that the demand for Indian organic products is rising steadily worldwide, as India exported organic products worth $515 million in the financial year 2017-18, which was a considerable jump from $370 million in 2016-17. This trend is expected to further accelerate this year.

4. Supply chain expected to get more efficient:

The major challenge with organic products lies in the cost and logistics associated with the distribution of locally produced organic products.

With organic products, they’ve got a very short shelf life, so the time taken for products to leave from the farm or the processing unit to reaching the end consumers is critical.

But with the demand for organic products on the rise, there will arise a need for solving the problems in the supply chain management, and an upgrade in the supply chain is anticipated this year.

5. Overwhelming support from the Government:

The Government of India and the several state governments have found a way to promote organic farming in the country. The National Mission of Sustainable Agriculture (NMSA) being one such initiative by our Government which has got several schemes under it, giving organic farmers a lot of incentive to keep doing what they’re doing, which’ll contribute immensely towards the growth of organic market in our country.

We’ve always stood by our mission to bring about an organic revolution in the country, one organic product at a time. With our wide range of products, right from – Organic RiceOrganic Grains & Cereals, Organic FloursOrganic PulsesOrganic SugarOrganic JaggeryOrganic Whole SpicesOrganic Masala Blends, Organic Superfoods & Health foodsOrganic Tea & Organic CoffeeOrganic OilsOrganic Honey & Organic Pastes, Natural SaltsOrganic Ground Spices & Organic Dry Fruits, we’ve got you covered as the nation looks to make the #SwitchtoOrganic in the near future.


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